2019 Tymco Regenerative Air Sweeper 600 for sale in One.7, Ravensdale, Washington

One.7, Inc., and Giving BACK!


Walk For ALL Cancers
100% Stays Local
Go to 1point7.com (Valleygirlsandguys subpage)

One.7, is a proud and continuing sponsor supporting Valley Girls & Guys!

Since 2007, One.7, has been an active sponsor supporting this cause. We have created one of a kind Cancer Awareness Trucks that have been auctioned off with proceeds donated to Valley Girls and Guys to sponsoring events and making donations on behalf of customers who have purchased equipment and parts. 

One.7, continues to support this cause by producing one of a kind Cancer Awareness Trucks and donating proceeds directly to Cancer Awareness. Not only is Tina McDonough, President of One.7, but she is also the Founder of Valley Girls & Guys 3 Day Team and is dedicated to doing what she can to help Sweep Away Breast Cancer!

Where it Started:

The first Cancer Truck we produced was a 2001 Elgin Broom Bear Street Sweeper. The truck was purchased by Talis Construction of Tempe, Arizona, who were excited and honored to add this truck to their fleet of equipment. If you are in the Tempe Arizona area and see the truck, we would love to hear from you as well as support this generous construction company! Throughout the entire process of creating these trucks, we continue to be touched and honored by the number of positive responses we receive coast to coast...  We also want to thank everyone who has supported and continues to support One.7, in this cause and the appreciation we have received from our customers and well wishers!

Cancer Awareness Trucks

The Valley Girls & Guys  is headed by Tina McDonough, Owner of One.7, Inc. Valley Girls & Guys has raised an incredible amount of awareness and money since 2007, over $7,000,000 (yes... SEVEN Million Dollars)!

Check out this video interview with King 5 News and Tina McDonough for the Be The Hope Walk!

Tina McDonough, founder of Valley Girls & Guys and Owner/President of One.7, Inc., in a recent interview with Seattle's King 5 News.  Valley Girls and Guys will be hosting their 5th Annual Be The Hope Walk for ALL cancers on Saturday, July 22, 2023, in Maple Valley Washington.  More details on the walk can be found on their website at https://valleygirlsandguys.org  
They have designed a walk for everyone.  You can sign up for the 1.8 mile and a virtual walk (if you can't be there that day, you can walk anywhere in the world and still participate).  Walkers will receive a metal and shirt for participating too.  There will be live bands all day, food trucks and plenty of fun for the entire family.  We hope to see you there!  See below, for a map of the route.

To learn more about these facts or to check out the latest information, click here to visit their site! 

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